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 United Kingdom
Human Auction Site Printer Friendly Version
Don't worry - not what the title may suggest. I propose a site from which members could share abilities. For example: I am in a band. We have made a record, but we need some album art. So in return, we search for an artist to some album art. The artist could be given our music free. Alternatively, a proprietary currency could be used which could be exchanged according to the difficulty/length of the task. This money could be exchanged for real money, allowing people to make money with the site. Bids could be made, with the task going to the lowest bidder.
Alternatively, you could help people by offering services free to everyone/certain people, with awards for the most 'charitable'. All sorts of services, from proofreading to instructional/teaching services could be exchanged. It could also provide a marketplace for independant music/films/literature without publishers etc.
Reward: Would like to be kept informed of any progress, maybe even have the option of collaborating.

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Adult Social Networking Printer Friendly Version
This would be a social networking site targeted at adults and professionals, generally people from ages 25 and up. It would have all of the features of Facebook such as a network system, groups, events, photos, etc., but people would also put their jobs, professional skills, or even a resume if they were looking for a job. Companies could pay to do power searches for people, but for people to join would be completely free.
This website would be a mix of LinkedIn and Facebook. It's like LinkedIn in that people can find jobs and make connections. It's unlike LinkedIn, and like facebook in that it would be completely free and you can search for anyone, but you can only see very little information until you friend them - but you can friend people. LinkedIn only allows you to friend people in your networks unless you pay. And again it's like LinkedIn and unlike facebook in that it's targeted at professionals and not students, and there would be no News Feed (it records everything everyone does and shows everyone else).
I see a future where every single professional has his or her network of contacts online, business and personal, and can find people and communicate extremely efficiently and easily. If you meet someone in line somewhere, or on an elevator, or at a convention, all you need is their name and you could find them on this site. You would be connected to your co-workers or your independent contractors, or even your employees through this site. People would find it strange if you weren't on there. But the thing that would have to make this work is it's target of professionals and adults, and probably a little Web 2.0 hype mixed in.
Reward: A spot on the board

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Arvind K
Expert System Printer Friendly Version
Search Expert :
Since we use the computer infinite in our day to day digital access, there is no particular tracking available. For example, when we surf the web on topic(s) we drift away endless, like finding our kind of fish in an ocean. There can be cookie-like expert system which keeps intelli-track of website-visits & clicks & also time spent on an interesting site. This will in due course of repetitive usage over days/months will accumulate into an expert system which will prompt/search EXACT data which we are narrow-focussing on. It can even work automatic during our absence from the mouse-drag!
Reward: A Laptop :)

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