81 results found displaying 43-45
Media Shrinker Printer Friendly Version
Basically, it's software that will find a specified game folder, locate all the audio/video/and image files and shrink them. By shrink, I do not mean zip.
The software would take say a jpg and extract some of the pixels, thus shrinking the file. Take away some noise in an mp3/wav file, and it also shrinks.
I have been doing this very tedious task manually for some time now in order to make graphically intensive games run faster. It DOES work.
Reward: a free copy + updates

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Food Musicmatch Database Printer Friendly Version
I guess we all know that French Camembert goes well with red wine - but what kind of music should you play alongside? While Heavy Metal may be the wrong choice, Vivaldi could work better - but if you're not in the mood for classical music, what are your alternatives?
It should be easy to add this feature to the existing music databases on the internet. When you pop your CD into the computer's player, it usually tells you which album you're listening to and what's the latest on the band, so why not add some culinary info as well? Of course the possibility to do a reverse lookup would be even more important!
Reward: Being able to use this service for free (if it's not free in the first place)

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Indexical Programming with Preferences Printer Friendly Version
An index concept of programming incorporating AI-learned preferences to create functional and quickly accessible category options.
As a basis for this, opposites can be used as a basic conceptual framework for determining modes and contexts that constitute areas of functionality that have exclusivity.
The menu format makes major errors easily correctible.
Reward: I'd like to see consumer-level editions of this for designing books, artwork, etc.

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