52 results found displaying 46-48
 United Kingdom
Accommodation for the homeless Printer Friendly Version
This system will bridge the gap between homelessness and working class. It's a system where people can work for a few hours and in return are given points they can exchange for accommodation. There are 300,000 homeless people of working age in England even more in the US. My inspiration has come from homeless people that work in third world countries. Local businesses that contribute will outsource work to the homeless on a minimum rate per hour bases. The work could be carried out at a local center not far from the accommodation and the homeless population. The type of work could vary from sorting, packing, stripping, cleaning, making furniture etc. 3-4 hours worth of work equals one room for the night. The quality of work will be monitored and the more hours completed the more points they get added onto their account.
Homeless people want a place where they can stay safe, warm with privacy and freedom. This block of apartments will give them that. The place will have a check in, security and cleaning system similar to hotels. The room sizes will be similar to student accommodation as well as shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. To keep the cost low the rooms will be somewhat plain. The place will separate females from males and couples.
This system could even be a business that makes a little profit. Local businesses that get involved will benefit by recognition and low cost labor, and the homeless get good night sleep feel better overall.
Reward: Fame and fortune

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Physiology education clubs Printer Friendly Version
A number of youths hook on to porno sites due to curiosity to know about body of other sex. Make a body teacher club where volunteers will be available for visitor to learn by seeing and touching body parts. This will allay his curiosity and encourage healthy interaction.

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Corporate scholarships for high school senior Printer Friendly Version
Scholarships for college awarded to high school students usually come from colleges themselves or philanthropic sources. One important stakeholder in having a well-educated workforce is corporate America. Companies should sponsor prestigous college scholarships for promising students as they are graduating from high school for a commitment to work for the company for a certain period of time. The military does this effectively through the academies and ROTC. Corporations need to contribute to make a college education and good job seem more glamorous.
Reward: More good students in college who don't have to work too much to stay there.

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