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Motivation software Printer Friendly Version
Develop a computer program that ultimately works to keep you motivated and consistent in your healthy living. Many times in sports fitness people find it hard to continue if they don't see results right away. Another problem is people don't notice how much of a change their body is making because they see it every day. This program would help to solve these things..
The program would work like this:

1. You have to get some sort of generic photo of yourself that you put into the computer as is.

2. You enter your current statistics, heights, weight, age.

3. The computer performs a scan of your body, determines your body type (endomorph, ectomorph, etc), it presumes your body fat percentage and gives you a full readout on your current condition.

4. It will then be able to give you readouts and images of the possible changes your body can undergo through following a prescribed workout and diet plan. In 6 weeks you could look like this: and it would have a picture of you with the according changes in fat and muscle growth. This could work both ways in fact. If you start dieting and working out in 6 weeks you will look like this. However if you eat so and so a diet from fast food you will look like this in 6 weeks.

5. It could give you frequent updates on what you should be looking like, and you can compare that to your in the mirror results to see if you are on track.

6. It could be incorporated with specific workout routines and diet tips to help you stay exactly on track.

7. You could update new photos of yourself as the weeks went by. If your "ideal" created by the computer was 100%, then the program could scan your updated pictures and tell you how near to that 100% you are. For example, after 3 months you are almost exactly what the original computer image had posted, and are at 90% of your ultimate fitness level.
There could be alot more added to this, but the main idea is that you would gain a mental image of what you could possibly look like. With this in mind you would likely be much more goal oriented and consistent in trying to attain that level of fitness.

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Limited Credit Exposure for Internet Purchases Printer Friendly Version

1- not everyone has a credit card

2- many people are afraid of 'rip off' activity on the internet.
Solution: Market an internet 'top up' scratch card, exactly like they do for pre pay mobile phones, these can for simplicity be in various denominations to match the intended purchase.

a- the rip off risk is limited to the amount of the voucher

b- people will have full confidence in the transaction

c- no need for high levels of encryption

d- the vendor has security of payment

e- the revenue is up front

f- the software and admin are already created in the mobile phone industry.

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Open Source Auto Industry Printer Friendly Version
The auto industry today has some major flaws. You buy a new car for a large sum of money, after 10 or 12 years, the repair costs are more than the value of the car, so you toss it into a junkyard and buy a brand new car. The car companies are rewarded for making a car that is difficult to repair. In some cases, it seems like they are intentionally designed so that customers cannot work on them themselves. The cars must be taken to the dealer and the repair costs are outrageous.
Here's the solution: in the aeronautics industry, aircraft are designed for ease of maintenance. Many aircraft are designed to last 100 years and to have parts that are easily replaceable. The concept of designing products for a maximum life and ease of maintenance and repair is known as sustainment.
In the arms industry, many firearms are designed to maximize the compatibility of their parts. Parts for a Colt 1911 made in 2015 will be compatible with parts made in the 1930s. An AR-15 upper receiver made by Smith & Wesson is compatible with a lower receiver made by Bushmaster. Compatibility.
Last, in the world of open source software, the intellectual property is built by volunteers all around the world who wish to create a better product for themselves and everyone else. Also, projects like the Adruino have created open source hardware and have dramatically driven down the costs of custom circuit boards by opening their designs to the free market. This is the beauty of open source information.
What I want to do is to create a car company that uses the best of all of these worlds. Cars that are designed to last a lifetime because they are designed for ease of maintenance. Parts that will fit your car today, and in 50 years you will still be able to buy parts that fit. Last, all intellectual property will be open source. This means people from all over the world will be able to propose design improvements and create new 3D models using open source software. Also, this will open the door to the free market so manufacturers from all over the world will be able to manufacture parts that fit together. You can buy an engine from Honda and a transmission from Toyota and they will be compatible in the same car. Designing cars for sustainment and compatibility with open source information will revolutionize the auto industry. It will make cheap and reliable transportation available to everyone on the planet.
Reward: To change the world

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