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Inteligent signal light
by maran -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by maran
Polarized TV
by CheeseRat -   - in: Sea of Chaos
0 Replies
by CheeseRat
Two-Part Car Horns / Bicycle bells
by Steve -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by Steve
"Pretend anything and master it"
by USMactive -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by USMactive
Website to Website URL Page Copy
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
How to wake up the masses innate creativity
by USMactive -   - in: Suggestion Channel
0 Replies
by USMactive
Base computer SatelliteTablet
by Smart1Iam -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by Smart1Iam
Hydrogen engine the holly grail
by Creativemind -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by Creativemind
Small Scale Desalination Dome
by CARRUTHERS -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
Survey in the name of creativity and innovation!
by Ayelet -   - in: Sea of Chaos
0 Replies
by Ayelet
Math Game
by Surfin Cypherz -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by Surfin Cypherz
Invisible Hot Wired Windshields
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Rhino Relief
by maxwell -   - in: Shipwrecked Theories
0 Replies
by maxwell
Community Centers
by Michellespell -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by Michellespell
Why aren't The Post Office tackling thieving scumbags?
by chrismorries -   - in: Port of General Talk
0 Replies
by chrismorries
Lighting tool for artists
by Michellespell -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by Michellespell
Need ideas - car interior modifications
by aviator703 -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by aviator703
T shirt additions
by valmarcam -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by valmarcam
Kettle for hot water without boiling
by davidjhumphries -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by davidjhumphries
Wet and wash
by zapp831 -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by zapp831
Bounce (Warp) Drive
by JestBlaze -   - in: Sci-Fi Pond
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
Artificial kidney
by JestBlaze -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
by AaronBurns -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Smart Stop Signs
by grizzly -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by grizzly
Ringed Ships
by keops -   - in: Sea of Chaos
0 Replies
by keops
A New Middle East
by treadair -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by treadair
Monitors for visually impaired
by grin_eyez -   - in: Sci-Fi Pond
0 Replies
by grin_eyez
Built in solar charger
by Vinay maheshwari -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by Vinay maheshwari
Simple Solar Power
by Zilliquister -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by Zilliquister
Self sustaining Electric car
by Zilliquister -   - in: Sci-Fi Pond
0 Replies
by Zilliquister
Stock Insurance
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Bathroom music
by jmutinda -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by jmutinda
CD/DVD Reel to Reel
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
SMART Phone Light Show
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Cot sheet holder Poppers
by Chase -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by Chase
Social Integrator
by NCoppedge -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Toy Intellectual Portfolio
by NCoppedge -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Productivity Stimulator Using Excitment
by NCoppedge -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
by AaronBurns -   - in: Sci-Fi Pond
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
by paddydeeg -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by paddydeeg
Zero Death Infant/Child Car Seat
by AaronBurns -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Hi from Rob
by Quendle -   - in: Port of General Talk
0 Replies
by Quendle
Mug shots popular as you "DO GOOD"
by alanlabudde -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by alanlabudde
The difference between warm blooded and cold blooded explain
by JestBlaze -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Do viruses have sexual organs?
by JestBlaze -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
New ideas and seeking help
by brainboxcrimefighter -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by brainboxcrimefighter
Solar Worm Holes
by JestBlaze -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
Reloadable CD/DVD Playable Rolodex
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
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Finger Wheel Fidget Toy

A three inch wheel with rubber grip on the outside[…]

Makeover of backyard

Nothing to share but I definitely want to see the […]

Sticking Games

No fantasy but real sports. Professional level foo[…]

This must be very useful information. Thank you ve[…]