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Idea for Making an Object Reach the Speed of Light in Space

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:21 pm
by jang
My idea is about reaching the speed of light in space. It's simple. You take and army gun to an international space station and shoot a bullet. The bullet will travel 2,000 km/hr faster than the international space station is travelling. If this bullet fires a needle, the needle will travel 10,000 km/hr. If the needle fires a point, that point would travel in space at the speed of light. What I'm trying to say is that the object fired from the object before has to be relatively smaller that it doesn't backfire. I called this idea to the European Space Agency in Spain in November 2012. The person I talked to said that the speed which an object reaches from the object before is added, not multiplied. I disagree. I think that you would add the speed only if the object shot from the object before would bring this first object to a halt.