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Debt Relief Services That Scam You

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:14 pm
by chrisluton1
Many debt relief services are there to help, but there are some that really just want to take advantage of your vulnerable situation. Understanding the difference between a real debt relief service and one that wants to scam you can save you money. The following are four scams to watch out for when seeking relief for your debt.

Debt Relief Services - Credit Counseling Scams

First, it is important to know that there are legitimate credit counselors that can truly help you reduce your debt. But it is equally important to understand that not all credit counselors have your best interests at heart. Knowing the signs of a scam will protect you from ending up in even more debt.

What Credit Counselors Do

Credit counselors take a look at your financial situation and help you find ways to manage it. This may include creating a reasonable budget, prioritizing your bills, and developing money management skills.

What Credit Counselors Don’t Do

Now that you know how credit counselors help you reduce your debt, it’s important to know what they should not be asking you to do.

* Any credit counselor that asks you for high fees for signing up with them, typically anything that exceeds $50, is probably more interested in your money than actually helping you. Monthly fees that are over $30 should also send up a red flag.
* A credit counselor who asks for your vital financial information, such as your account numbers, before explaining what debt relief the company can provide, is probably not entirely legitimate. A counselor should be willing to explain how he or she works before asking for your important information.