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Brand new idea for film

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:52 pm
by lanaia74
I am an upcoming aspiring fantasy author. My books Of Atlantis, it is a five volume series containing a very unique idea never seen or done before, if you are interested just e-mail me back.
Thank you,
Lanaia Lee

Of Atlantis is an epic fantasy novel based on the king of Atlantis know as Archimedes. For some strange reason Archimedes was blessed with a source of untapped power. His mother, Cheris, knows the truth, but his father, King Linus does not, making him very fearful of the young prince, his only son. In this first book of a five column series, we follow Archimedes from his child hood, until he is crowned king, marries and has children of his own.

His mother, Cheris, lives through a loveless marriage, because she feels she has a duty to her subjects and to her only son,Archimedes. She never puts her self first. The continent of Atlantis is made up of several different countries, and five other kings. Someone always causing political turmoil, must like today. War always a threat to man kind.

We observe day to day life in Atlantis, before the devastating day, the ocean swallowed the entire continent. One man, that was advisor, to the king, would be proven to be an arch enemy, him knowing the truth of the powers of Archimedes, this man wanted the king powers, his name is Uric.

After the devastation, Uric and Archimedes survive because of their special powers, Uric having the same powers, they have the ability for eternal life.. Uric chases Archimedes through out history, in an attempt, to gain the power of Archimedes, thus making Uric veer strong. They both assume many identities through out history.

Archimedes was proud, he was regal, he was proud, he was Of Atlantis.

check out my promotional video Of Atlantis

My bio

Lanaia Lee, despite all the tradegy, fate handed her, has risen above this to become a published poet and novalist. Suffering a stroke at thirty-five, she survived. She has a disease, mostly known as the silent killer, it is called erratic hypertension. Because of this, she never could have any children, she couldn't carry them to term. She lost six children, her mom died when she was eight, leaving Lanaia to be raised by her maternal grandmother, who was a self professed black witch. Quoting Lanaia," The things I have experienced and seen most people wouldn't believe, but I 'm here to tell you they are true.

With no children, Lanaia adopted a small cocker spanial that is always by her side. He fills an immense whole in Lanaia's heart, he is her baby. Lanaia has been married three times, but the saying that three is a charm, holds true, because her marriage to her third husband, David, for thirteen years, she claims he is her third and last.

After her stroke Lanaia discovered she had literary talent, given by God. Lanaia never studied in school for the talent she discovered. It has to be devine intervention. One which she takes very seriously. Confined to a wheelchair from her stroke, she can stand and walk with the aid of a walker. By certain people, they have accused her of not being in a wheelchair

If one knows anything knows anything about Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt, he too was in a wheelchair, but most picture he took were without the chair, because certain people felt, this presented him as weak. Lanaia feels the same in way. She wants no pity, so a lot of pictures don't show her wheelchair. Her husband, also wheelchair bound, the two of them live totally independently and Lanaia still drives.

Lanaia has always tried to make the best of a bad situation. With all her losses and her faith in God, she has emerged a very strong women. Quoting Lanaia," The wheelchair just slows me down, just a thorn in my side, it makes me literally rock and roll. She doesn't think twice about her wheelchair now Through her determination and strength it is her wish to one day be a best selling author.

A lots of people need to learn from this lady, now fifty, she still has that strength to face anything head on and with the help of God, she is proud and always hold her head up.

Re: Brand new idea for film

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:18 am
by alston
There is a lot of depth in the Star Wars universe. FLIOPAKK has a good idea, basing a story in the Old Republic timeline, given the chance I think new directors can make some *beep* good movies.
We could have a story based on a sith, a bounty hunter, a rogue jedi, hell even a movie based on a Hutt would be good, or some origin stories, like The Mace Windu book Shatterpoint, or a Yoda origin story, maybe a Darth Maul story or a Plo Koon story, Maybe even a Darth Plagueis story, or a Clone Trooper story, the possibilites are endless.
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