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Backward Timeline Creatures...

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 9:11 pm
by Shtudy
In theory:
I think that, if there is our timeline, and in the same place are intelligent creatures that travels backwards in time and they don't want to interact with us, because they live the outcome of that interaction, they can erase every clue of their existence by the fact that they know every move that we have done before we have it done yet...
But if we want to try to prove their existence, it can be done!!! by creating a method to put image recorders in some random way in random places, like the black companies that make some grey-black research for the CIA without knowing every each one of the participants what the other do...
I have thinking, maybe all the ufo thing, the way they move, and the fact that are too hard to catch, maybe the reason is because they live in a backward timeline...