This is the place for all kinds of brainstorming. Anything goes. From time to time, the Sea of Chaos might also give birth to new forum categories.
By gracken
I have no idea how this might work but I thought it would be good if you could keep your glasses clean, or should I say cleaner by charging them electrically

you would charge them electrically with a small battery and a wire at attached to the frame so that with a slight very small let's say negative electric charge you would repel negatively charged dust and particles.

obviously if you charge your glasses with negative charge you would repel negatively charged dust but would attract positively charged dust so I don't know if you could maybe know in advance or somehow detect which charge would be predominant in the air and use that charge, maybe being able to switch as you go along

this might be not such a good idea, putting an electric device so close to your eyes, but hey

anyway I would love to know if someone comes up with something
Finger Wheel Fidget Toy

A three inch wheel with rubber grip on the outside[…]

Makeover of backyard

Nothing to share but I definitely want to see the […]

Sticking Games

No fantasy but real sports. Professional level foo[…]

This must be very useful information. Thank you ve[…]