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Do viruses have sexual organs?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:24 pm
by JestBlaze
So this is completely stupid but I'm a bit drunk so i'll try to make you laugh, cry, and be happy afterwards.
Let's try an experiment with the immortal cancerous blood cells and hiv.
Give to a cul;ture of immortal blood cells from the cancerous uterus of some chick who'se name I forget...
some hiv.
Wait and see if it cultures ever into aids.
If it doesn't then it must be female hiv!
so every male with aids can be cured from full bown aids with this new culture.
Their new blood can be injected with the same hiv strain and...
Wait and see if it cultuires into aids.
If it doesn't then it must be male hiv!
so every female with aide can be cured from full blown aids with this new culture.
YAY i cured aids.... I wish