julianmello (USA)
One of the biggest subjects when it comes to phone use is social media. People are constantly connecting and communicating with their friends and fellows. This is why an invention like iSHARE would be helpful.

iSHARE is an application on your phone that has your basic data: name, phone number, social media username, or any other information you would feel comfortable with sharing to people you meet. When you come in contact with someone you would like to share this information with, you simply touch your phones. The GPS in the app senses when in close contact with another phone that has iSHARE, and automatically transfers your contact info.

This would be a faster and more convenient way to share your information then to manually type in their phone number or username. iSHARE would help to better connect the people in our community and prompt more social interaction.

Reward: A free download would do!

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