Joon Ho Shin (South Korea)
Rooftop Monorails
In the downtown areas in major cities heavy traffic is the big issue, since it is waste of resource and time and polluting the air. Therefore the government tries to reduce the heavy traffic and solve many problems. However, we can't build new road or subway since we have no space on the ground or under the ground. So I thought it would be nice to make a road in the rooftop by connecting the rooftop of buildings with road.

Since it is much more dangerous than the road on the ground, there should be many safety net and only government granted monorails should be allowed. Office workers can get off at the rooftop. This will solve heavy traffic and also relieve the dependence of subway. People feel stressed in early morning because of crowded atmosphere during rush hour. This makes people uncomfortable from the beginning of the day so if people using subway decreases people can start the day with joy and this will increase the efficiency of workers so corporations can also benefit from this.

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