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Fluoroclean HE Cigarette Dissolver

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:20 am
by AaronBurns
After years they finally made an ash tray that puts the cigarette butt out by extinguishing its oxygen supply. But what about the constant build-up of butts that need to be emptied?

If you add a non-flammable solvent to the bottom of each tubular ash tray (the trays we have today on the market), then the butt simply disolves into the small amount of liquid, and thusly rather than twenty butts in the ash tray we can fit hundreds, until the solvent (Non-Flammable Fluoroclean HE), environmentally friendly and non-toxic chemical turns to slime and we simply pour it out into the trash ready for a few hundred more butts. Any solvent will dissolve the fiberglass like cigarette butts so this makes it the best chemical for the job!