156 results found displaying 73-75
 South Africa
Animal poacher catcher Printer Friendly Version
The USA uses unmanned flying vehicles to identify and locate terrorists in Iraq. I think the same technology should be used in conservation areas to locate animal poachers. The camera in the sky should be restricted to the airspace within the park to avoid big brother issues.
Reward: Balloon trip in the Serengetti.

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Closed captioning for movies Printer Friendly Version
My wife and I have impaired hearing. We watch TV with closed captioning. We do not go to the movie theater, because we miss some of the dialog, especially whispers, fast repartee, and accents.
I propose some sort of closed captioning for movie theaters for those people that need it. Remember the cardboard glasses for 3-D movies? Maybe the captioning can be shown such that hearing patrons don't see it, but hearing impaired can read it with special equipment.
Reward: Fresh popcorn again in the company of fellow movie fans.

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Rubber Corner Impact Cases For Electronics Printer Friendly Version
A rubber snap on case that protects the corners while you can still use it rather than completely cover it up since only the corners will hit the ground and just about every electronic device will break when it impacts with the ground or floor. Everything from any kinds of cameras, MP3 Players, CD Players, portable devices of all sorts (or non-portable for safety sake) like TV's or DVD players etc. Anything that will break would simply be covered much like a woman's bra with connections running along the sides connected to all the corners.
Reward: One case for each of my devices and as many devices as you can think of to give me.

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