129 results found displaying 118-120
Murray Bennett
Colored Salt Printer Friendly Version
Die salt some color. Possibly red so that you could see how much you are putting on your food. white salt is to hard to see on most foods.
Reward: Just being able to see my salt will make me and my blood pressure very happy.

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Healthy oily food Printer Friendly Version
If edible oil is engineered (genetically or chemically) in such a way that our digestive system does not absorb it in our body and is safe then we will be able to happily eat all the oily foods we weren’t supposed to.
Reward: Somebody please develop this oil. Or tell this to any edible oil company’s R&D department.

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Time delayed alcoholic effects Printer Friendly Version
A solution placed in your alcoholic drinks to reduce any further & or severe effect's of the drinking process while at the pub/bar. Drive home safely, but will reap the effects when your home. Gaurnteed & legally safe.
Reward: Free solution's for any suggestion's.

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