296 results found displaying 145-147
Custom Foam Seats Printer Friendly Version
Recently, we had a lot of snow over here, and after some sledging and snowball-fighting, we all sank back-first into a huge pile of fluffy snow. Sitting there was just incredibly comfortable - the snow compressed and adapted just perfectly to the back and the spine. I could have sat there for hours (except for the cold).
This also reminded me of the way they make shoe lifts these days - you just step bare-footed into a box of soft foam, and a week later you have shoes that exactly fit your feet.
Add 1+1 and you start wondering why this system doesn't exist for furniture, in particular armchairs and couches. Just have them take a model of your stature, and get a perfectly comfortable armchair that is designed to fit YOU!
Reward: An armchair that fits me like a glove.

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Real Soap Water Printer Friendly Version
This idea would eliminate the necessity of soap bars during a bath.
Imagine a spa/tub that has soap dispensers that allow the soap to saturate the water to the point that the water becomes your hygiene source. After bathing, you could push a button to drain the soapy water and simultaneously fresh, warm water is gently being poured into the spa/tub to rinse away the soap from your body; sort of like a low shower because your sitting down.
The spa/tub would be equipped with 4-5 dispensers for the soaps of your choice. This idea seems more feasible for a spa because of the many jets and tubes that are eqipped with it.
Of course there is more think about, such as cost of body wash, but I think the experience would be fun.
Reward: Of course the credit and a few for my dream home.

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Gloves for digging Printer Friendly Version
Gardening gloves with hard tip inners for digging in soil with rocks, clay, etc.
It always seems that even with canvas gloves they wear through, or your wife complains about breaking newly refinished nails.
Reward: nada

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