340 results found displaying 64-66
 United Kingdom
Reducing exhaust emission Printer Friendly Version
I had this idea for many years.
Most gases from exhaust emission are water soluble. So, before the gases are released in the atmosphere, pass them through water where they will dissolve to form other chemicals. In this way, damaging exhaust gases may be considerably reduced. This principle could be applied to vehicles and industries etc too.
Reward: To help the environment

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 United Kingdom
Car alarm via cell phone Printer Friendly Version
Your cell phone will ring if your car alarm is activated.
Reward: a free one please

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Airball Printer Friendly Version
When you play golf, it can become tiresome to bend over 18 times a game to retrieve your golf ball from the cup. Here is my idea: The cup could have a small air cartridge inside that is activated by a small hand held device the players have and could only be triggered from a five foot radius. The air cartridge would only have sufficient air to launch the golf ball three feet into the air and then the golfer then can retrieve his/her golf ball from midair instead of bending over 18 times a game.
Reward: free game with tiger woods.

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