340 results found displaying 67-69
Customized Cell Phone Printer Friendly Version
What if there was a cell phone company that you could have your phone customized through. I don't mean the plan, but the actual Device itself. They have computer companies that have customizable computers where they put in what you want or need to have a good computer. Why couldn't they do it with cell phones. For instance, I want a Blackberry that looks like an LG Rumor 2. It would need a keypad and the slide out qwerty keyboard. All while still having the trackball. You could ask them about certain applications for the phone.
Reward: I'd want to be in charge of it.

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 New Zealand
Hair Textas. Printer Friendly Version
I like to put blonde streaks in my hair, rather than pay alot to sit in a salon. However, sometimes I get carried away with the blonde ending up in the odd large patch instead of scattered and "sun-kissed". On occassion I have actually used a permanent marker in brown to feather the streaks. Alas, the next time I wash my hair, the brown marker washes out. To go to the trouble of making up a dye preparation with all of the mess and fuss, is so annoying, so I want someone to put the dye in a pen! You could get a variety of colours in a pack.
Reward: A pack of pens please!

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 New Zealand
Goodbye Fly. Printer Friendly Version
If you're like me, you won't have any time for annoying flies buzzing around. I hate spraying them, because there are plenty more where the others came from, not to mention more poisons to ingest, as well as dead flies everywhere. I came up with the idea of a cleaning spray such as "spray and wipe", or similar that contains some herbal extract or subtle aroma that is pleasant to us, but horrible to flies. Basically a repellent so that as soon as the flies fly in, they fly right back out again. I get really tired of fly poop on the ceilings, light shades, cupboards and so on. Serious ceiling cleaning and Spring cleaning would rarely required.
Reward: Someone scientifically able to blend the cleaner with the repellent. For this I want a big hug and a box of the spray.

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