204 results found displaying 130-132
Eco(nomical) Toilet Printer Friendly Version
Toilets could be designed with a flush tank that has two levels - one for liquid waste and the other for solid waste. If level (2) flushes 3 galons of water, level (1) could be designed to flush half of that as liquid waste does not need too much water to flush.
This would save millions of gallons of precious water everyday in every home around the world.
Reward: not sure. but if this productized, it would help save precious water (which we take for granted) and save our planet.

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Real Soap Water Printer Friendly Version
This idea would eliminate the necessity of soap bars during a bath.
Imagine a spa/tub that has soap dispensers that allow the soap to saturate the water to the point that the water becomes your hygiene source. After bathing, you could push a button to drain the soapy water and simultaneously fresh, warm water is gently being poured into the spa/tub to rinse away the soap from your body; sort of like a low shower because your sitting down.
The spa/tub would be equipped with 4-5 dispensers for the soaps of your choice. This idea seems more feasible for a spa because of the many jets and tubes that are eqipped with it.
Of course there is more think about, such as cost of body wash, but I think the experience would be fun.
Reward: Of course the credit and a few for my dream home.

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Buy jeans that fit! Printer Friendly Version
One problem that haunts me since I'm old enough to buy clothes: buying jeans that fit!
Typically I go into a store, buy the "perfect" pair of jeans, and after a couple of days they turn out to be way too big. Last time I even went back to the shop to return my pair for smaller ones, but then I ended up going home with the SAME jeans because they seemed just right, and a week later they were still a full inch too wide.
Ok, I admit that buying jeans directly after lunch is a stupid thing to do. But I am sure there is also a lot the jeans companies can do. Would it be so hard to pre-stretch the jeans so the customer gets a realistic feel for how big/wide they're actually gonna get? Or how about a double button system - because even if jeans fit perfectly when you walk, they'll still be a pain when you sit down and/or eat something. As far as I now, this problem has never been tackled!
Reward: Whatever the solution, I want those jeans soon, possibly for free.

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