204 results found displaying 136-138
Dummy terminals return Printer Friendly Version
Remember those old dummy terminals back in the days... (if you're old enough) well I bet they will come back one day when someone steals this idea.
Ok what's a dummy terminal? In a nutshell, it used to be basically a monitor and keyboard hooked up to a network of some kind. Usually there was a text based screen where the user can interact. Most or all of the processing was done on a central computer.
So my idea is that 1 day, we all invest into dummy terminals but this time with wireless. All you need is 1 big giant super computer here and there and wireless connection everywhere. When someone upgrades the super computer... POW you got a new pc almost.
But why do it? Handhelds would not need a high end cpu and could do wonders, your pc would be much cheaper, viruses would less likely do as much damage since only super computers would need updates not 100,000,000 home pcs.
I imagine their could be other uses.
Reward: a super computer

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Waffled Icecream Printer Friendly Version
It's been a craving of mine for the past... few months. My favorite part of ice cream is the cone. And I'd eat just the cone, but it doesn't taste right without the ice cream.
Idea: Ice cream that is "waffled" into a cone. (I'm calling it "waffled" because it'll be in a waffle cone, not because it'll be like a filled waffle.... which it kind of will be. So that's okay.) But it wouldn't be too thick, so it could be easy to eat.
Look: It'd look like a plain flat-like space ship. The outside: waffle cone. The inside: chocolate layer on the direct inside of the cone. Then a layer of ice cream. Then a thin layer of cone (for extra crunch purposes.) Then a layer of ice cream. Then the bottom cone. Kind of simple right?
Size: Not too big. If it took to long to eat, the ice cream would melt, and make a big mess. Which is no good. About the width of a hamburger. And a little higher than a crunch wrap supreme.

(The thin layer of cone in the middle could kind of mimic the hard taco shell in the middle of a crunch wrap supreme.)
Flavors: All kinds! It could be an entire business. Every type of ice cream. And nuts, fruit, whatever could be thrown in.
Reward: A mint chocolate waffled ice cream.

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Over Head Hot Air Dryer For After Bath or Shower Printer Friendly Version
You know how nice it is to go to a public restroom and use the hand dryer instead of paper towels or the ones on a continuous roll? Why not have a large, heated-air fan blowing warm or hot air down on you from your ceiling, air drying you off while you just stand there after a bath or shower or rain storm or just to get instantly warm when it is cold outside or inside for that matter, right in your own home. Or if you wanted to also towel dry off in 30 seconds you could use a towel and the hot air overhead dryer. You could save an extra 15 or 20 minutes of your valuable morning time before heading off to work and spend that time enjoying a morning cup of coffee in front of the morning news. All the technology of the common bathroom times ten.
Reward: Credit

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