204 results found displaying 145-147
Eyesight Testing Software Printer Friendly Version
A computer program that tests peoples eyes to find their eyeglass prescription. It could duplicate the effects of the machine with the lenses that the optometrist makes you look through. The person would look at the computer screen without any glasses on and select which of two images looks clearer repeatedly, just like at the optometrist. The computer program would emulate the effect of an eyeglass lens. The image would look like what a person with perfect vision would see if he put on someones eyeglasses. Of course to someone who needed that eyeglass prescription, the image would look clear. This system would save money because you would not need the expensive equipment at the optometrist, and people could test themselves at home to make sure that they had the best eyeglass prescription.
Reward: A free copy of the software.

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Amusement Parks For Physically Challenged And The Elderly Printer Friendly Version
If we can design rides and themes of the eras that once were but are now forgotten (20's, 30's, etc.) then we could entertain those who (how ever rude this may sound) live in their past like most everybody else of all ages, then we could have entertainment billed for a large audience not seen using modern technology to enhance the past. An audience of millions not taylored to yet making this a very lucrative business opportunity. The two don't often go together, but "Gone With The Wind" on a roller coaster that can go any speed, accomodate any size or weight of person and have panic stop buttons as well as extra support from personal guides and the equipment itself I think we can all live it up once in a while, and the many growing retirement homes could have great group rates making going there a little more exciting.
Instead of a short cartoon and "It's a small World after all" playing we could have the ultimate old time experience with advanced and enhanced films and documentaries from all the past you can handle. You might even want to have special days for every decade. With walker and wheel chair accessibility on every thing (including the rides), you could give those in their late years a renewed spirit for what once was that was created for the better, for the younger generations to enjoy in relative safety from the dangers of the past.
Reward: Too see that our lesser seen are in the lime light at least once in a while instead of hidden from society.

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Old Sock Tester Printer Friendly Version
We all know how battery testers work: you find a battery in your home or office and have no clue if it's still usable. You attach it to a battery tester and voila - the battery is flat so you can happily dispose of it.
But on washing day, what are you to do if you find a couple of stray socks? Sure, you can smell every single one of them, but that isn't only unpleasant, but it can actually damage your health, e.g. if you're allergic to dust. Alternatively, you can throw everything you find into the washer, but that'll unnecessarily shorten the life-span of your clothers, plus, by washing stuff that's already clean you're not exactly doing a favor to our environment.
This is where the sock tester comes to play: scan the socks (or any other garment you may have found) with the sock tester, and the sock tester will tell you if they actually need a washing.
Reward: Free sock testers for me

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