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Guitar auto tuner on stem
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Hospital Beds for Developing Countries
by jacobstone -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by jacobstone
Video Stablizer
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Bed Sheet Holder
by TomT -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by TomT
Anti-Shadowing/Glare Screen Meters
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
New kind of elec. cooker
by Widget -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by Widget
Baking Pan for Bread Slices
by Widget -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by Widget
Nuclear Propulsion Automobile
by JestBlaze -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
Shower in Time
by Beckabones -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by Beckabones
Curitiban style recycling
by Elvira -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by Elvira
Solar / Hydrogen / Electrolysis Rocket Suit
by JestBlaze -   - in: Sci-Fi Pond
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
HUD heads-up display navigation/video
by boilikechicken -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by boilikechicken
USB Power Port for Garage Door Opener Remotes
by danhieux -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by danhieux
To jours a la mode
by marsh -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by marsh
by heyheyhey -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by heyheyhey
Signaling Space
by jeweis22 -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by jeweis22
TV College Program
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Microsized Laser micromachining devices
by JestBlaze -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by JestBlaze
Bottom Lit Pipes
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Hot Water Toilet
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Rear-facing Baby Car Seat that is Better for Baby's Back
by karentrain -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by karentrain
Animated Multi-Image Editor
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
by rickg1092 -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by rickg1092
A Torrent based website client.
by cjdelphi -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by cjdelphi
shopvac / vacuum head invention
by steel263 -   - in: Look-what-I-did-do-it-too! Aquarium
0 Replies
by steel263
Magnetic Linear propulsion highway
by ianheslup -   - in: Sci-Fi Pond
0 Replies
by ianheslup
Anti RoboCall Phone
by duke43j -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by duke43j
Glowing Money
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
How do I go about building an led light
by TaiHudman -   - in: Collaboration Tank
0 Replies
by TaiHudman
Smokable Oxygen
by AaronBurns -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Protect from raining
by cache7044 -   - in: Look-what-I-did-do-it-too! Aquarium
0 Replies
by cache7044
Privacy Option for Mobile Phones
by cache7044 -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by cache7044
Charity Personality
by cllewellyn -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by cllewellyn
Polyptic Glass
by NCoppedge -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Floods in Indus Valley
by paigetheoracle -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by paigetheoracle
Car Average Meter
by hnimbark -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by hnimbark
Board Games @ School
by roman -   - in: Sea of Chaos
0 Replies
by roman
Primary School Climbing Frame
by Naomi -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by Naomi
Reverse Cologne and Perfume
by AaronBurns -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
Electromagnetic generator
by valder -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by valder
by roselina -   - in: Port of General Talk
0 Replies
by roselina
Social-Media Oriented Government Functions
by NCoppedge -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Finance Public Debt
by tracyjoe -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by tracyjoe
Automated Greeting
by Taxi driver Mbhekeni -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by Taxi driver Mbhekeni
Exclusive categories for welfare and applications
by NCoppedge -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Micro-Socialism, a management application
by NCoppedge -   - in: The Docks
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Program that Calculates Exceptional Emotional Motivators
by NCoppedge -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Electrode will-power adapter
by NCoppedge -   - in: Mad Scientist Boiler
0 Replies
by NCoppedge
Pet Scent Training
by AaronBurns -   - in: Creativity Pool
0 Replies
by AaronBurns
by kmpandkwf -   - in: Sea of Chaos
0 Replies
by kmpandkwf
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Finger Wheel Fidget Toy

A three inch wheel with rubber grip on the outside[…]

Makeover of backyard

Nothing to share but I definitely want to see the […]

Sticking Games

No fantasy but real sports. Professional level foo[…]

This must be very useful information. Thank you ve[…]