The main tank, brimful with ideas. Enjoy them, discuss them, take them. - Of course, this is also the #1 place for new submissions!
I did this one for an air conditioner repair friend a few years ago. The patentable part (but NOT patented) was designing the cutter blade (which fires like a bullet) to cut debrie free through all pipe sizes from 3/4" to 1/4". Everything else can be found inside a Co2 pistol or rifle. This makes copper plumbing and HVAC replacements a breeze!
This is the initial product design that was never built.
This is the initial product design that was never built.
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By demonjj
Hi, I'd be quite interested in taking this on with your permission. Would it be possible to get hold of the designs and/or more info?


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By Michael D. Grissom
Hi Jonathan! Email is in your box by now. I'm really glad to see some interest in this one because it is a high demand mass marketable tool (highly profitable). ;-D ;-D ;-D
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By Michael D. Grissom
Ringer <---- I have responded to your email about further details. If by chance I mass produce them before you finish building yours then, I'll send you one for free. ;-D
By nydave
cool but waaaaay to dangerous for american society, more kids (and adults) will have their fingers chopped off wihin one month and it will be instantly recalled...Thats not to say I wouldnt buy one for myself! Are you sure it wont deform the pipe?
By Rishi
nydave wrote:cool but waaaaay to dangerous for american society, more kids (and adults) will have their fingers chopped off wihin one month and it will be instantly recalled...Thats not to say I wouldnt buy one for myself! Are you sure it wont deform the pipe?
You can get around the finger chop problem by adding two short length lead-in tubes longer than finger length on either side of the guillotine part. If the speed is high enough inertia will prevent deformation assuming the cutting blade is sharp.

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