Submissions that have been rejected by the Creativity Pool. - The Docks aren't necessarily the final destination, if a broken idea gets fixed it may travel to a more appropriate category.
By neerajpandey13
This idea is primarily for electric fan making company. Actually there is need of small sized Fan which have hardly diameter of 6 to 10 inch. But main condition is that this Fan must use rechargable battery like mobile battery. So that it can be treated as mobile phone. This idea comes in my mind because I feel when person are using public transport in any city then all the time he can�t use AC bus. Due to this he feels difficulty in traveling in summer days. And if any company make this type of Fan then it is very good product for daily commuters and office going people as well.

Reward: I want any company use my idea and I want percentage of profit from that company. Apart from this when this company start RND on this idea I start one time amount so that I can be confident that my idea is in use.
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This must be very useful information. Thank you ve[…]