Submissions that have been rejected by the Creativity Pool. - The Docks aren't necessarily the final destination, if a broken idea gets fixed it may travel to a more appropriate category.
By wavisdavis
My invention is a new sports barbeque pit that is shape and looks like football team helmet. My ideal is to allow fans to have a barbeque pit with their favor team colors and the sports pit name and logo. This pit will also have a space were the buyer can put their own team sticker on it. This unique barbeque pit will have the shape and colors that look just like the helmet/color that goes with that football team.

The football barbeque pit will look like a real helmet with facemask and visor. The visor will be see through and will allow the person cooking to look inside the pit and see the meat cooking. It will also have a small window on the back so light can come in. No more dirty hands because this barbeque pit will have a hatch at the bottom for dumping the coals or wood chips once they cool.

Reward: When this sportpit is made I will be giving out some free one. Tell me what you think.
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