Submissions that have been rejected by the Creativity Pool. - The Docks aren't necessarily the final destination, if a broken idea gets fixed it may travel to a more appropriate category.
By alexmythbuster
A such placement of the brakes would allow the driver to actually "feel" the brakes all the time, reducing the time needed for braking. The brake foot pedal is replaced with an elastic material like foam rubber, filled with pressure sensors, covering the entire circumference of the steering wheel. These sensors are conected somehow with the throttle pedal and the brakes simultaneously, so when the driver wants to slow down or stop his car, he only "squeezes" a bit the steering wheel, cutting the throttle off and operating the brakes. The "cover" would be made from two types of rubber. The first type, larger and thicker, would be placed in the back part of the steering wheel; the driver uses this part mostly for braking, therefore the material should be softer and more sensitive. In the front part of the steering wheel, the rubber must be less thicker, harder and less sensitive, but also connected with the brakes. The driver mostly uses this part for steering the vehicle, so beeing less sensitive is required.

Reward: recognition
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