Submissions that have been rejected by the Creativity Pool. - The Docks aren't necessarily the final destination, if a broken idea gets fixed it may travel to a more appropriate category.
By diwakar
The thought is about an optical device which looks like a pen and can be used to copy data from screen of a computer or screen of a cell phone and can be successfully pasted to another devices like another computer or other celphone or can be used with any systems which needs data transfer. For Successfully using it should support all kind of platforms and media devices with supportive operating systems. See life gets simpler and easier when we do not need any cable or adapters or compatibility problems, just select scan and paste. I would really be happy to see my idea working in near future

Reward: 1.Give this device my name
2.Please send me one.
Finger Wheel Fidget Toy

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Makeover of backyard

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Sticking Games

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This must be very useful information. Thank you ve[…]