Submissions that have been rejected by the Creativity Pool. - The Docks aren't necessarily the final destination, if a broken idea gets fixed it may travel to a more appropriate category.
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By AaronBurns
Light Detectors [ METERS ] that produce a constant full screen lighted/dimmed surface for best viwing and greater viewing experience with anti-shadowing and anti-glare that is produced by exterior light sources. It would lighten and darken the areas that is radiating towards any screen from outside sources and light balance the viewing area for optimal, constant eye popping results. This type of Detection would be placed in four or more areas around the outside the screen.

Reward: To see the Advancement of Old light reading meters.
Finger Wheel Fidget Toy

A three inch wheel with rubber grip on the outside[…]

Makeover of backyard

Nothing to share but I definitely want to see the […]

Sticking Games

No fantasy but real sports. Professional level foo[…]

This must be very useful information. Thank you ve[…]