This is the place for all kinds of brainstorming. Anything goes. From time to time, the Sea of Chaos might also give birth to new forum categories.
Things begin as simply good and evil, and over time 'good and evil' become slightly more difficult to differentiate. Eventually people all believe that the idea of good and evil isn't true and is just for films, because people just want different things throughout life, although, don't you think that that'ss just a sneaky way for REAL evil to exist...? Of course, love is good, even though some love may be sneaky and dark. Also, sneakiness isn't actually evil as such, it's just enthusiasm. You get the picture anyway.

What is a wrong way to think is if you think things are simply good or evil, full stop.

(That was the thought for the day by the way)

Also, a lot of people say knowledge is power, but, if you think about it, there lots of different types of knowledge and power, some have different things in different parts of the brain and are brought up in specific backgrounds, just because of how and where they were born, so it's not their fault.

Although, knowledge is often dark because of how it portrays the 'truth' of something, and so we have loads of complicated views and other complications. Don't you think that tis is all what REAL evil wants, so that we can't tell who or what REAL evil is until it hits us in the face?...
It's the same with any murder case...The case only begins after the murder itself has happened...It's pathetic really. The reason these things happen in the first place is because people are using so called 'intelligence' and 'knowledge' more than instinct in society today, and aren't feeling that feeling of REAL justice inside them anymore.
You know, that feeling you have when something abominably awful happens in your life that you feel you could have prevented but just didn't. Of course, you know it's not your fault, but you are irritated all the same, and you feel that it is your fault.

It makes you wonder, maybe knowledge and intelligence isn't helping society, and maybe we should all work together more and be instinctual as human beings, rather than always competing. Also, what would be helpful nowadays is if we can all be able to differentiate the two, intelligence and instinct, and not confuse matters all the time, but we must not become robots at the same time. (We have to be careful though, because some people seem to think intelligence is instinct and that instinct is intelligence, but it's not even that simple of course).

Basically, let's all try to at least AIM to keep it simple, that good is good and evil is evil...I wish...although we can't do that anymore because of how things now are, that can't be the answer...

We shouldn't do thongs that we really don't want to because then we get depressed and our faces, body and mind disintegrate over time.

If we're all going to compete at all, let's do it once we have major problems ironed out first, and try to help each other, not in a sentimental way but in a passionate, certain way.

The key is to not have distasteful, snarly humour too, because let's be fair, it's just plain UNfunny and sick. It's just for people who like to get at others when they're really smug, in fact when they're over-smug, and when they're sleazy. I hate sleaze...

We should not try to control things so much either. It takes the fun out of things some times...Also, there are things we can't prevent, like the fact of destiny, etc...and how through life energy is exchanged between the hemispheres of the brain, etc...

People always act chilled about things and analyse things, when secretly we all have to freak out a bit on our own occasionally, and let's be honest, we all do, so that we don't go 'inside of ourselves' by thinking too much. If everything is just chilled ALL the time, it makes you go nuts, so it's not right for things to be the same all the time. If people are having real stress problems, I think they should be allowed to let it out by screaming and crying (even though they're not 'supposed to'). It would help let that negative energy out.

What people should do is they should have random outbursts of randomness so that thinking is not constantly straight to the point all the time, because it is what unnerves most people. (People are usually worried by what other people might do or mainly SAY about them and their activites).

Plus, we wouldn't have people building up negative energy into pure darkness and so we wouldn't have people like psychopaths if it weren't for the pressure that people are expected to cope with, and the fact that we're all made to fit into someone else's society, which doesn't have a real aim, and doesn't even aim to evolve the human race in the right, healthy way...! We're all evolving to use computers for crying out loud, like robots, falling right into the trap of the flipping MATRIX for pete's sake!

We're all putting ourselves against our own wishes while we live, even when as a generation and generations before us, AND genrations to come, even when we all know it. Mind you, it is probably a generally safer world if we focus on minor things rather than trying to make something big happen all the time, because that's probably how most damage happens, like the war in Iraq, also because people have gone with what other people have said rather than what they think, and even knowing that their religion may not all necessarily be true, they still believe in it, because it is the FEELING in their heads that feels good when they think of it, and not the content of the religion itself.

Science is knowledge, religion is belief. Why not have a mix of both?...Why can't people accept that it's a bit of both, to get the balance...?! Some science is belief and some religion is knowledge.

I think that if we mixed the two together, we'd find that superhuman powers are possible, as in, REAL superhuman powers could be possible in some way.

This is what involves 'good and evil' as such, with the good of people being represented as the light in them and evil being the darkness in them, (nothing to do with racism by the way). I reckon that in the future, stars (as in, film/TV stars) may be the ones who NATURALLY become the superhumans and stand as heroes or villains, once the human race has evolved enough. Also, maybe scientists will be the ones who ARTIFICIALLY and manually develop superhumans after studying them enough.

What do you think?...
:-] :-?

(P.S. I really need to get out more...!)
By 'The One'
Mind you, we can never solve all the world's problems 'full stop', and there are always new things to do, not just problems and negativity, so we shouldn't focus on the negatives, focus on the positives, which a lot of people do, so that's fine. It should be fine to compete really, because if we only have one life, we should all have our chances to compete and have fun doing it!...but without people getting seriously hurt or killed.
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