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Green streets against soil impermeabilization Printer Friendly Version
In big cities, where there are large areas totally covered with asphalt and cement, many problems related to floods and excessive heat are found. Along with the idea of vertical gardens I propose the idea of Green Streets. This idea comes mainly to diminish flooding problems, but also to help to add green in heavily urbanized areas.
What is Green Street? Is a street with asphalt only in the area where the tires runs. In the sides (near the sidewalk or the parking area) and the place in the middle of the tires, the the places without heavy use, the proposition is to make the street with grass grid pavers. This idea cannot be used in some types of streets, but I think mainly in avenues where the cars just follow straight ahead, this could be one more solution to add green to the cities, make them more pleasant and to increase the absorbent soil area.
I had this idea looking at the streets of my neighborhood, they are made of old stone bricks and many tiny plants grow between the bricks, the street becomes green (mainly in the sides) and I thought that would be wonderful if all the streets in the city were like those, with tiny plants growing in tiny spaces...
Reward: Integration of development and nature.

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 United Kingdom
Electric Dirigible Printer Friendly Version
Standard airships use helium in order to be buoyant. And hot air balloons use heat to reduce the density of the air. However, it seems plausible that electrically charging a volume of air would result in it self-repelling leading to increased pressure. If the air is sealed in a balloon, the increased pressure would lead to increased volume and therefore decreased density.
So using a simple spark plug, or any electrostatic generator capable of ionising the air, to ionise the air within a normal balloon will cause it to rise. Hopefully should be easy to test this theory, and if it works it can easily be scaled up to blimps.
Why is this better than a normal dirigible? Because helium is rare, expensive and it leaks.
Reward: This idea is free to use, if it works.

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Solar powerd shade drone Printer Friendly Version
This Is just to keep sunlight for those walking in the sun and wish for shade in unshaded areas.
Pros: Self sustaining, long-lasting when needed.

Cons: Noisy, weight/power outage.

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