340 results found displaying 184-186
Scrabble(R) tile collector Printer Friendly Version
The Deluxe version of the Scrabble(R) brand word game has an annoying misfeature: at the end of the game, you spend ages picking each letter off the board (because each letter is in its own recessed spot on the board, and because the board doesn't fold in two, like the lower-tech original cardboard board). Turning the board over is a disaster because the letters go all over the place. Solution: a plastic cover that fits nicely over the board (and, ideally, would fit in the original box along with the game). The cover has an open corner so that when you invert the game, with the cover on it, you can pour all the tiles into the tile bag through the funnel-like corner.
Reward: One copy of the Deluxe Scrabble(R) game plus one copy of the tile collector.

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Do It Yourself Sunscreen Applier Printer Friendly Version
I think we have all been there. You are on the beach and need to put sunscreen on your back but you are alone. How do you do this? My idea is to have a long "stick" ( like a back scratcher) with a sponge or cloth on the end. There will also be an attachment for any kind of bottle, ie: lotion, sunscreen, soap etc. Now you can apply all these things all by yourself and not get burned!
Reward: Acknowledgement

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Spherical 3-D Mercury Switch Printer Friendly Version
A switch that can give any device an instant (automatic) equilibrium. Every spot inside the sphere has a different touch point much like the old mercury switches that regulated heating systems, but this one has thousands instead of two contact points making and giving it a total 3 dimensional capability. If it were in the head of a robot the robot would then know exactly where it was. It would know left, right, tipping, forwards, backwards, and upside down. All directions. Then it could constantly adjust itself and compensate to keep up right and mobile. This switch could be used in heavy equipment or in other technologies. Almost any device or equipment that needed to stay stable and up right would have that exact ability with this switch. It could be used in large or small toys like a moving flight simulator you see at the mall or a gyroscope.
Reward: Credit

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