204 results found displaying 64-66
Clean Dirt Printer Friendly Version
Treated dirt that does not STICK to itself or too you. It can be covered (treated) with synthetic coatings of microscopic plastics that are still porous enough to plant grass, grow plants, and have inside or outside the house or home.

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Double Screen Laptop Printer Friendly Version
What the advertising and marketing business needs are laptops that have 2 screens. One for the user and one to run advertising on. The advertiser would pay the user for running advertising of its product while the machine is being operated in public places. GPS software could keep track of the machine only when the user wanted it to and only to verify that it is in a public place, like a Starbucks, library or airport. The posibilities are endless.
Reward: The knowledge that a Robin C. Morgan idea was being used...and free ice cream. A bananan split. A nice one. Ben and Jerry's.

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SEA Randomizer Printer Friendly Version
If you get lots of business mail, you will notice that people make up all kinds of 3 letter abbreviations ("describing" their position) just to impress you. Long forgotten are the times when you just got mail from BMW's CEO or directly from the FBI. Today's decision makers are CPCs, DEOs, SPMs, or better! (Wow...)
So I would love to have a SEA (Stupid Email Abbreviations) Randomizer. If you think about it, with three letters at your disposal, there are up to 26^3 leading positions in every company, and I hate to see so many of them go wasted. Ever got mail from a QWX, a YKJ or a UUL? Why not, may I ask! Because the SEA Randomizer hasn't been invented yet. High time, isn't it!
Reward: A free copy for me, of course!

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