48 results found displaying 28-30
Brady Hammel
Fock Ball Printer Friendly Version
It is football with hockey equipment, without the skates. Played in snow, there is an area of tightly packed snow in the middle and deep snow on the outsides. The same rules as football, no downs or yards. Go until you get a touchdown or there is an intereception, fumble, or kicking the ball. Very fun game.
Reward: The reward is having a great time with your friends.

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Media Shrinker Printer Friendly Version
Basically, it's software that will find a specified game folder, locate all the audio/video/and image files and shrink them. By shrink, I do not mean zip.
The software would take say a jpg and extract some of the pixels, thus shrinking the file. Take away some noise in an mp3/wav file, and it also shrinks.
I have been doing this very tedious task manually for some time now in order to make graphically intensive games run faster. It DOES work.
Reward: a free copy + updates

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Josh Napier
Stationary Pool Chalk Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever been shooting a game of pool and lost your pool chalk? I've come up with the idea of a stationary pool chalker that is placed on the wall in a small compartment in which it will not fall off. All you do is lift your pool stick and twist. Thus, your stationary pool chalk.

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