209 results found displaying 154-156
"Metrocab" or "Urbanflow" taxi/bus transport Printer Friendly Version
Getting around in the city is often tedious or expensive (most often both!). A combination of bus and taxi would be a welcome reprieve to the frequent inconvenience of the bus and the high rates of a cab.
Small shuttles would be deployed daily. Patrons could rent buzzers/pagers of this service by the day, weekend, week, or month. Basically, it would act as a group taxi that could be called to a specific location at any given time (decided by hours of operation, of course). Customers would be picked up wherever they desired and would be dropped off at their exact destination (as opposed to a bus stop that a bit of hike to their home).
Once a customer activated their pager, the shuttle driver's computer system would alert him/her to the call. The customer's pager would have a locating device, allowing for precision of direction. The shuttle driver would respond by paging the customer with an estimated time of arrival, allowing for him/her to know how long of a wait there will be. If any customers paged for a ride while the driver was en route to pick up another customer, the driver would page back how long it would be before said pickup.
These drivers would have to operate regionally and be connected with one another. This would be helpful to customers (obviously), in addition to providing group transport that cuts down on pollution. It would be particularly helpful in urban areas and college towns.
Reward: a few free rides.

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Car Heater Printer Friendly Version
This invention solves a problem I have for a long time. Often in my life I have noticed this all winter, after we have a snow storm. It is hard to take off the snow from my automobile. This invention, if developed, creates a solution to that problem. Now I present to you with a solution. How can we melt the snow from the car?
I want to describe the parts that are in the invention. It is like the little stickers on the back of the car, almost every car have this in the windshield. We can put this … inside the car, in the hood, fenders, covers etc. Then the automobile became warm, the metals of the car and this melt the snow. This… will be connected with the central heating.
After I thought of this invention, I choose an appropriate reward. I would like a sample.
Ana Maria Pino

Maria Buenaño

Luis Idrovo
Reward: a sample

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The De-Icer Printer Friendly Version
This invention will solve a problem we have had for a long time. Often in our life we have noticed that it has been a problem for many people to walk on the side walk after snow, because the snow covers everything making it almost impossible to walk safely.

It is very important to invent a special mechanism or device that can melt the snow and the ice at least on the side walk.

We want to describe the parts that are important in this invention.

At each 100 feet there should be a De-Icer with two oenings steamers that can heat up the streets automatically every two hours for at least 15 minutes.

We hope somebody like this idea,

Daysi, Myriame, Fleuraine and Sarley
Reward: a sample

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