156 results found displaying 148-150
Anthony Woodhead
 United Kingdom
Child protection location device Printer Friendly Version
During the last few months there has been a rush of child abductions in the U.K. Most of these cases conclude in quite tragic circumstances. A case this week in Cambridge, which involved two ten-year-old friends, led me to the following idea.
The police didn’t pursue a case of abduction until three days had passed. By this time the children could be anywhere.
I don't want to be seen as profiteering on these tragedies nor do I wish to use scare tactics in advertising, but the truth is technology is available today that, with a little adapting, can save a lot of time and lives and in some cases prevent this sort of thing happening altogether.
Allot of us have cars with GPS location or tracking. There are even battery powered personal location devices available on the market. Pets are fitted with id chips, criminals are tagged, and yet the most precious commodity that the human race can produce is left to fend for itself. There is a global market of children who need to be protected, and we can do something about it.
What would it take to develop these devices for the protection of our children?

Please contact me for further information.

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Joel Sauber
Improved DVD or CD Printer Friendly Version
I know DVD readers use a laser to sense minute fluctuations on the disk to transfer them electronically into a signal. So my idea is to have multiple layers on each side of the disk. You would then have to have a reader which knew which layer it was reading and could avoid the signal from the others. You would also have to have a disk made to where the actual fluctuations on the disk could be picked up by the laser, or could be looked through so to speak to the other layers. For instance have the marks about a quarter the width so the laser can still see it, but it also still has three quarters of the laser looking beyond. Some DVDs can hold about 7 gigabytes of information. With both sides having multiple readable layers, there is no telling how much information you could store on one disk depending on the layers. You could then store almost every song you have on a cd on one disk, or store multiple movies on on DVD. I am no engineer, but it seems plausible considering our technology abilities.
Reward: Free product.

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Jennifer Haase
Personal Tyme Machine Printer Friendly Version
A calculator that saves your input (like a grocery store Tyme/Credit calculator) so that you can keep track of finances. There are too many people with money troubles and there's not enough time to sit down and write down every transaction you make with all of our techological options: Credit Cards, Tyme Cards, Checks, Cash, Money Orders, Deposits, Transfers, etc. These days there's less use for checkbooks and more of a need for a digital, easy-to-use hand-held calculator that saves your information indefinately. Balancing your income will never be made more simple than this!
Reward: my own product.

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