156 results found displaying 151-153
Beaming Vacuum Cleaner Printer Friendly Version
You might have heard of the fact that "beaming" (like in "Star Trek") has been discovered for very small particles?
Well, the logical application would be to invent a vacuum cleaner using this feature. You could have a tiny divice (without dragging behind you the huge machine that always gets stuck somewhere between your furniture), and in doesn't matter if the technology isn't perfect yet or still involves some risks (just as in "The Fly"), because if the molecules of the dirt you are trying to remove get mixed up in some way, no one cares.
Reward: A free beaming vacuum cleaner.

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 United Kingdom
Silent Vacuum Cleaner Printer Friendly Version
Could someone please design a silent vacuum cleaner. The noise drives me up the wall in the office/at home/at university.
Reward: A silent vacuum cleaner!

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Paula Vesga
Sun-Energy Water Fan Printer Friendly Version
You know when you go to theme parks such as Disney parks and all of those most of the time it is really hot on those huge lines. Some people decide to buy the fans that shoot water, but what they don't really notice is that every 2 hours they usually run out of battery and have to fan themselves with a paper or even with their hands. This invention would be the best because not only it works with sunlight but you do not have to pay for it. - Some people would say 'how about nights?' well as you guys think they are wrong because why would we need to use it at night if there is no sun to run it and who cares? There is no sun so it is not hot!
Reward: A trip to a theme park! Fan included maybe?

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