289 results found displaying 109-111
Michael Fortier
Personal Locator Printer Friendly Version
Using Cell Phone Technology create a device that can be placed on elderly and small children so that when they get lost they could be located. Have it with an automatic on so that they wouldn't have to press a button to answer. You could just start talking to them and them to you. Also include a panic button on it for emergencies.
Reward: Trip to Europe with my wife.

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Spherical 3-D Mercury Switch Printer Friendly Version
A switch that can give any device an instant (automatic) equilibrium. Every spot inside the sphere has a different touch point much like the old mercury switches that regulated heating systems, but this one has thousands instead of two contact points making and giving it a total 3 dimensional capability. If it were in the head of a robot the robot would then know exactly where it was. It would know left, right, tipping, forwards, backwards, and upside down. All directions. Then it could constantly adjust itself and compensate to keep up right and mobile. This switch could be used in heavy equipment or in other technologies. Almost any device or equipment that needed to stay stable and up right would have that exact ability with this switch. It could be used in large or small toys like a moving flight simulator you see at the mall or a gyroscope.
Reward: Credit

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Mobile for the elderly Printer Friendly Version
There's an entire generation out there that would desperately need mobile phones, but they are more or less barred from their use. I'm talking about elderly people who would love to have a mobile for certain situations, but today's phones are so small and the buttons even smaller that they simply can't use them.
What I am thinking of is a simple device with just a couple of picture buttons - one for calling the doctor, one for a taxi, one for the grand daughter etc. The grand children (or the mobile shop) would program those buttons once and even old people with bad eyes and shaky fingers could easily handle such a device.
Reward: Such a mobile for free for my parents who will need it by the time it has been invented

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