289 results found displaying 88-90
R. Lloyd Nelson
Fire Ant Microwave Generator Printer Friendly Version
Fire ants are a painful nuisance that has already hit the southern states east and west. As the nests are easy to spot, one environmentally sound way of eradicating them might be with a portable microwave generator powerful enough to penetrate several feet into the ground. I imagine a truck mounted model that swings out over the nest and focuses tightly. The same small flatbed would carry a gasoline generator to power the microwave unit. A rig like this could drive from farm to farm, field to field, exterminating the pests for a fee.
Reward: Hey, how about a DVD copy of the movie, "Antz"?

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Beaming Vacuum Cleaner Printer Friendly Version
You might have heard of the fact that "beaming" (like in "Star Trek") has been discovered for very small particles?
Well, the logical application would be to invent a vacuum cleaner using this feature. You could have a tiny divice (without dragging behind you the huge machine that always gets stuck somewhere between your furniture), and in doesn't matter if the technology isn't perfect yet or still involves some risks (just as in "The Fly"), because if the molecules of the dirt you are trying to remove get mixed up in some way, no one cares.
Reward: A free beaming vacuum cleaner.

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Washing Machine Lint Grabber Printer Friendly Version
A solid rubber ball, that has thousands of tiny one millimeter spikes, that goes into your wash water and will grab and collect all the lint traveling out of you clothes and out of your pockets and keep it from getting back into your clothes, in the wash or the dryer. It won't float so, it will just bounce from the bottom, up (and all around) and the spikes won't get tangled into tight balls of clothes because they are too small to get tanggled but, big enough to trap lint.
The lint and hair and all the rest of the stuff you wouldn't want on or in your clothes, goes onto the ball instead and is easily pulled off the ball after the wash and then, you simply throw away what is left behind on the ball. Much like the lint trap of the dryer. You can also reduce most of the lint going into the lint trap of the dryer and the lint trap doesn't grab any hair or other debrise that this spiked ball will grab, reducing the chances of a fire in your dryer and keeping your clothes cleaner and keeps all the gross stuff out of the laundry so you wont have to deal with that problem, a little at a time, later.
Reward: Credit

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