340 results found displaying 124-126
Davey C
Mag Lev Elevators Printer Friendly Version
You all know those new trains, they work on the threory of magnetic levitation, and, because there is no friction, go really really fast. There are working prototypes in Germany and Japan. So I say, take that same principal to skyscrapers.
There would be no need for cables, and in an emergency (there would need to be an electric current all the time, there could be backup power in case of power cuts) you could have either a cable, or traditional emergency brakes. They could go real fast, they could even be fitted with chairs with seat belts. Also voice activation would be a nice touch, I just want those cool lifts from star trek!
Reward: To be the pioneer of Mag Lev Lifts!

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Arlo Vander
New Word Printer Friendly Version
Ever wonder where new words come from? Especially with terms dealing with everyday life and culture, by the time they're widely accepted, there's often no way to trace their origins. Let's change that by introducing a new word right here on this site:
Pooly - adj., interesting or intriguing in a cool and creative way
Let's all try to use this word once a week in everyday conversation or in writing, and see how quickly it spreads.
Reward: Entertainment value!

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Cigarette Pack Bottom Cigarette Pusher Printer Friendly Version
Like chap stick and lip stick you can't use them until you can get them to the surface. If each cigarette had a bottom that you could push the cigarette up then you could easily remove them (or one) from the pack. Right now you can't get the first or second cigarette out without dumping the whole pack out or squishing the cigarettes around the one you want until you've removed about the first five making room for any sized fingers to grab one out. We just provide a cicular segmented bottom under each cigarrete that extends below each one and you push up on the bottom of the one you want. Each cigarette gets it's own push up piece!
Easily implimented and manufactured at minimal cost since the materials need not be of any other product they don't already have readily available, such as the type of card board type paper used in hard pack cigarettes or any other material they have now. This would work on packs of gum and other tightly packed items.
Reward: To have these bottoms on all brands and pack types.

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