18 results found displaying 1-3
Gloves for digging Printer Friendly Version
Gardening gloves with hard tip inners for digging in soil with rocks, clay, etc.
It always seems that even with canvas gloves they wear through, or your wife complains about breaking newly refinished nails.
Reward: nada

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Decorator Rain Barrels Printer Friendly Version
Decorator rain barrels would be useful and more aesthetically pleasing in my yard.
My idea is to have 10-30 gallon rain barrels in the shapes of urns (various styles). The rain barrel would of course have a 15-20' hose attached with an on/off valve for distributing the water. People could set these decorative barrels in any location in their yards & they'd both look good and be functional.
Reward: Several of these rain barrels would be a nice reward.

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M. Jelley
Maintenance-Free Shade-Trees Printer Friendly Version
They've already discovered maintenance-free grass (requiring no mowing). Now, how about botanists developing a tree whose growth can be controlled to a certain height, and which either has evergreen leaves, or else leaves that aren't a pain to rake. I think the honey-locust may have more manageable leaves, but can it grow in cool climates, too? In hot weather it's energy-efficient to have shade trees cooling the house, but they're such a PAIN to maintain. If only there were a solution!
Reward: Best of all the worlds, labor-free shade.

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