26 results found displaying 4-6
Vegan/Vegetarian Fast Food Restauraunt Printer Friendly Version
This would be a great fast food restauraunt that has a completely vegan or vegetarian menu. The menu items would be moderately priced, and would be a great meatless place to dine. The decor could be like a new-age style, or a futuristic minimalistic style.
Reward: Having one built in Lehigh Acres, Florida, a free menu sample, and a gift certificate to the restauraunt.

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Back And Profile Mirror Printer Friendly Version
A mirror that is as tall as an average adult and has hundreds of mirrors attached to each other (mirrors attached up and down) so that it sits flush to a wall when not in use and can be wrapped entirely around you so that no matter where you look you can see all of yourself 360 degrees. Easy wall hugging storage and easy to implement for usage in wrap around style. Anybody who needs to look nice for any occasion from school to a wedding would love this product. It could be used for privacy when getting dressed as well. The funny part is when your wife asks you "How do I look?" you can literally say "Go look in the mirror." Ha!
Reward: To not have to hold a mirror behind my head to see it!

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T-FIN Printer Friendly Version
I just bought a dodge hemi express it's a very nicely built eye catcher. A week ago my father asked me if he could borrow my 24" extention ladder. So I went to load it in my new truck and I found a prob. I could lean it on my tailgate or on the cab. Either way I'm looking at some pretty ugly scratches. So like everyone does I put a rag between the ladder and the cab and tied it down. As I was driving I thought "there's got to be a better way". My truck would look rediculous with a headache rack. So how about a rubber fin on the upper rear of the cab. It would swoop up like a car fin to give it style (not too high), yet rubber so ladders or pipes pose no further prob...
Reward: Better looking hemi / no scratches

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