273 results found displaying 43-45
Electromagnetic Battery Charger Printer Friendly Version
On an electric powered car, make the drive shaft(s) into high power electromagnetic battery chargers. While driving on one set of batteries in the front of the car, the batteries are being charged in the back of the car. When the batteries in the front of the car are depleted, switch over to the batteries in the back of the car while the ones in the front charge. Add in a computer controlled circuit for switching circuits on the batteries.
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Silent Alarm for Passenger Bus Printer Friendly Version
Robbery or any crisis often occur in passenger buses. My idea is to have a silent alarm that the bus driver can activate sending a distress signal to a police station providing it's location.

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Independent Brake System for Passenger Bus Printer Friendly Version
In my country, there are a lot incidents where passenger buses drive of a cliff due to brake failure. My idea is to develop an independent braking system that could be integrated in to the passenger bus.

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