204 results found displaying 154-156
Window-Free House Printer Friendly Version
After replacing the windows in the house I rent out for the 2nd time, it occurred to me that there is really no longer a need for the windows to be there. With the modern technology we possess today, we could devise a flat screen video projector for the inside of the house, a mini-camera (weather-proof of course), for the outside, and a small central computer processor to organize it all. In this way you could control what images you see when you are sitting in a room, or entertaining.
It would also help with air conditioning (less heat loss, less sunshine to heat up curtains, floors, etc.), and heat. And with the computer controls, if it's raining and nasty out, just turn to the daffadills and gently rolling stream program, or whatever your choice may be. If you wish to see what is going on outside, turn it to standard operation. I would recommend an alternate emergency escape in the event of fire or other emergency.
Reward: give one to me to install in my home.

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Michael D. Grissom
Pet TV Printer Friendly Version
On the Discovery TV channel it was explained that our dog/cat pets can only see garbage on our TV screens because their eye response is much too fast for the frame rate (pictures per second) that was designed for humans. This was their explanation of why dogs won't even notice "Lassie" on TV. We know that if we changed the frame rate to something else, humans would see various degrees of a flickering picture (like old silent films) and in some cases it would be so bad as to look like garbage. So...
What if we changed the frame rate (while a Lassie tape is looping) until the dog or cat starts noticing. This could be perfected in the local dog pound with a big screen TV.
For those of you who have pets that go nuts when home alone, wouldn't it be nice to be able to push a button on the remote to switch your TV to "Dog/Cat Mode" and pop in their favorite tape before leaving?
This would be an original equipment modification that would probably add about $10 to $30 to the TV's retail depending on circuit design.
Please don't ask about goldfish or gerbil frequencies (yet). ;-)
Reward: One can of "Puppy Breath" scent air freshner.

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Solar Tiles Printer Friendly Version
Base - Solar panel - Between cover glass and transparent adhesive places luminiferous additions which makes solar emission stronger in air-bubbly cover-up.
Appearance - Form will be as a tile; color can be changed - Can be placed in different types of tiles, but the most effective is as showed on picture, because during whole day panel can collect right solar emission. To change color is able to put active (reactive) colorants out of they can outstay high temperatures, their lifetime is really long and they aren’t very expensive.
Price - Not more than 35$ - For 1 tile which produces ~ 30W of electrical energy. The person who buys the product can easily calculate how many tiles he needs so not to waste more money on useless. The buyer can save some also because he shouldn’t buy usual tile in place of my product (For my home I’ll need ~100 tiles and it will pay for it-self ~ after 1,5 year)

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