426 results found displaying 22-24
Anti RoboCall Phone Printer Friendly Version
I hate getting robocalls from telemarketers. I wish someone would build an answering machine that won't ring the phone if the caller is not listed in your address book.
You would enter the names and phone numbers of all your friends and relatives (well, most of them). Then the device would check the caller ID with the phone numbers in the list. If the caller is on the list, the phone would ring normally. If the caller is not on the list, the phone would not ring at all. Instead, it would take a message. It would be a bonus if the device would also display a list of all the phone numbers received that were not in your address book. That way, you could quickly scan them and delete them instead of listening to each one.

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Privacy Option for Mobile Phones Printer Friendly Version
My idea is a cell phone with a privacy option. It comes with a pair of special glasses and, when the privacy option is elected, only the person wearing the glasses can see the display on his phone. This helps to protect one's privacy when traveling in public.
Reward: credit.

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Television Program Notification Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever been watching multiple shows, but one is more important and you missed most of it because you forgot to switch back?
This invention would be a little notification on the top of the screen that tells you when to switch back to your favorite show, after the commercials have ended. You program your favorite shows and if you are watching another channel during commercials, a notification will pop up and tell you to switch back.

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