340 results found displaying 127-129
Eye Lighter Printer Friendly Version
So, this is for all the modern, edgy, punk youth out there. Or possibly weird, zany, old people. Basically, it's just coloring highlighter on your eyelids as eyeshadow. It's very cool. It brings out the color of your eye with he contrast. I tried it on my friend, and the only advise I can give you, if you try it, is to avoid rubbing it in your eyes!
If I were to ever make this idea into something, I would start by calling it EyeLighter. Get it, the play on words... Anyway, then of course, I would make it non-toxic and least harmful, but as close to a highlighter marker semblence as possible.
And to top it off, I would keep it in the shape of a pen, but maybe shorter and more compact, to make it easy to fit into a purse or pocket. Watch out! I see it in the future becoming the next new fad!

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Don't touch that door handle Printer Friendly Version
I can't even guess why I have never seen this next idea anywhere. I think it would be a great idea to install "wet nap" dispensers in all public restrooms right by the exit door.
The design of it can vary from individually wrapped wet naps to a pop-up dispenser, similar to how a tissue box works. You can grab one on your way out and clean your hands off after you wrap your freshly washed hads around the germ ridden door handle. Or even use it to grab the door handle. Imagine the passing of germs that this will help cut down on.

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Scared Single Printer Friendly Version
Develop a new reality TV series called "Scared Single", to save young guys from making a terrible mistake by getting married. The show would take newly engaged couples and do a swap with a forty-something couple, sending the young guy to live with the forty-something housewife and her kids.
If after the swap period and all the "great" times that went with it the guy still decides to get married, the show will pay for the wedding. If the show does its duty and the guy comes to his senses and calls off the wedding, he can enjoy his prize of a lifetime of beer, nights out with the guys, no kids...
In prep, the show producers can evalute all the couples to determine the best mixes. For example, match a straight-laced conservative young couple with an over-the-hill, partied out, lazy middle-age couple. Things could get interesting.
Reward: If the show helps just one guy see the light then I've done my job and that's reward enough.

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