196 results found displaying 55-57
 United Kingdom
'Crackle' button on mobile phones Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever been talking to somebody on your mobile and wish you could cut them off without making it too obvious? It would be nice if mobile phones had a button that would introduce a realistic random crackle and fade to your end of the link. That way, it would sound just like you were entering a bad reception area and you could cut people off without hurting their feelings.
Reward: None. I just want one on my phone.

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Quick Wristband Maker Printer Friendly Version
A device that stretches out those things below the cap on a plastic bottle and turns them into a wristband. It could be done by mounting on 2 wheels that spin it fast and slide apart from each other to get even stretchage.
There are ways of making them out of the thin plastic thing inside the cap, but if you haven't practiced a lot, it results in failure. This would be a fail-safe wristband maker
Reward: get it for free

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Earplug smart Printer Friendly Version
I am thinking of making an earplug that passes on specific sounds and doesn't allow the other sounds to be heared. This device has a switch to adjust special frequencies of sounds, and if they are the same the sound passes and can be heard. This device can be very helpful when two or more sounds are mixed and you can not distinguish the one you want to hear.
Reward: One for myself

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