196 results found displaying 79-81
Revised Keyboard Printer Friendly Version
Did you know that standard letters on a keyboard are not set up to make it easier to type but the opposite. They were arranged early in the 1900's to make it the hardest to use for a specific odd reason and that has never changed?
If we arrange the letters around and place the letters used most (for instance) at the easiest point to type them then we would have a better and faster keyboard. I say we go a step further and rearrange the entire keyboard (not just letters) and add extra enter buttons, space bars etc. in different areas making multiple spots for the easiest places to hit the keys when and where appropriate. Also, I would like to not have to program all the function keys to do different things but combine certain used combinations of keys into one key, like one key for Control/Alt/Delete and other commands. The faster we can work the more gets done!
Reward: To make typing easier...

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Flexible Computers Printer Friendly Version
I think it is about time to stop making our electronics in stiff plastic. We could make all the components fit in the right places and make our casings see-through and flexible for futuristic and multi-use and multi-purpose reasons. The main reason would simply be to be able to bend them in half to fit in a backpack.
Reward: A new computer of this type - make that one of the first hundred off the line!

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Armpit liners Printer Friendly Version
Many women sweat perfusely, there would be alot of money in an armpit liner that can fit comfortably on brawstraps using adhesives like they do on panty liners.
Reward: happier more confident women

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