426 results found displaying 100-102
Marianne Niesink
Anti "Off-the-Hook" Telephone Printer Friendly Version
I'm sure it's happened to all of us at one time or another: either you can't phone someone because their phone is off the hook, or you yourself have not replaced the receiver properly, and nobody can reach YOU!
In North America, a loud tone sounds when this happens, but it only lasts for a couple of minutes. After that you could walk right past your phone and still not know that it was off the hook. A great invention would be a flashing light (or a flashing phone!) which would make it easier to notice the problem.
Reward: One of them there new-fangled phones!

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Crumb collector for laptops Printer Friendly Version
Lets face it - the vast majority of people I know eat while sitting in front of their laptops. Crumbs fall on the keyboard, some are removed, some disappear - but where to they go? I like to think that they are food for Tron and his friends, but I fear far worse things.
To solve the problem, why not invent a crumb collector for laptops? It works so beautifully with my toaster - pull out the tray, remove the crumbs, done. Why do we need to fiddle with brushes and pressure cleaners or even disassemble our devices? This can be made much easier.
Reward: A laptop with crumb collector

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Phone keys Printer Friendly Version
Just like we can call our cell phone if we misplace it (of course utilizing another phone to do so.). What if your phone could be programmed, to have an option in the menu screen that would allow you to send a radio/bluetooth signal to a key chain on your keys so they can be found.

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