156 results found displaying 31-33
Smart Cart Printer Friendly Version
A shopping cart with a UPC code reader attached so you scan your grocery purchases as you put them in the cart, when you get to the check out line you already know how much you owe, your cart is placed on a scale, and checked against the expected weight of the items you scanned, the total is confirmed and you're on your way.
Reward: groceries

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Intelligent Fan Printer Friendly Version
Can you imagine, as you enter your house, tired from work, bathing sweat, and suddenly, a rush of wind blowing you as you sit down and rest? Until you found out later that your sweat is gone!
How about an electric fan that is capable of detecting incoming person and activate its powerful fan and can follow the direction of the target without moving its base. Then detects the temperature of that person and shuts off when the temperature is down.
Cool eh? :D

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 United Kingdom
Adding depth to photographs Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever used photoshop and spent ages with the magnetic lasso going round the edge of an image you have taken with your digital camera? A camera could be developed that had some kind of depth sensing device, ultrasound maybe, and it could store this information along with the image. When you want to edit the picture you can split the foreground from the background and make automatic layers.
Reward: A camera for me and a friend

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